A set of oral hygiene products designed for children from 4 to 9 years old to cultivate healthy oral habits with a playful experience.
Olina zhang
Product Designer
Shuxian Hong
Industrial Designer
Yi Ding
Product & Packaging Designer
Table of Content
Design For Children
Children's Dental Problems
Healthy Oral Hygiene Habits
Persona Profile
Design Goals
Pack Out Analysis
Life Cycle Assessment
Okala BOM Analysis
Sustainable Minds Analysis
Study Insights
Background Research
Market Trend
Source: earnestandethereal.com
​Oral Care Market Size Projection
$ 58.9 Billion by 2027
Oral care has boomed due to Covid-19 and increased interest in elevated hygiene and aesthetic practices.
Current Issues
Environmental Pollution
2 billion plastic toothbrushes end up in landfills and oceans every year.
Dental Problems
Nearly 100% of adults have had at least one cavity.
User Research
Children From 4 to 9 Years Old
Why Design for Children
Establish healthy routines right from the start
Gain lifetime benefit for high-quality life
raise environmental consciousness from an early age
Children's Main Dental Problems
of 5-year-olds in 2019 have had dental decay.
children 2 to 11 have had dental caries in their primary teeth.
of children 2 to 11 have untreated dental caries.
of children 6 to 11 have had dental caries in their permanent teeth
Healthy Oral Hygiene Habits
How to Brush Correctly
Brushing 2 times / day
Brushing 2 min. / time
Floss every time after meal
45-degree at the end of teeth
2 to 3 teeth as a group - Brush vertically
Brush inside of teeth in the same way
Brush occlusal surface
Divide into 6 areas, brush all of them
Target Ages
4 - 5
8 - 9
Start teaching your child to brush his or her own teeth
Switch to adult toothpastes, introduce flossing into regimen
Unsupervised brushing/flossing, regular dental check-ups.
Persona Profile
Energetic, athletic, sweet tooth
Age: 8 years old
Hometown: Los Angles, CA
Family Relationship: Living with parents and a brother
Snack Preferences: fruits (especially bananas and mangos), chocolates, ice creams, etc
Eating Habits: 3 meals every day; fruits and chips for snack; milk before going to bed
Pain points
bad habits, bad teeth
bored with regular brushing
bored with regular brushing
develop the awareness of healthy oral hygiene habits
have fun brushing experience
guide children to perform oral hygiene properly
Design Goals
Based on previous research & analysis
Help children develop healthy oral hygiene habits.
Create an enriched and engaging brushing experience.
Guide children to perform oral hygiene properly.
Raise environmental awareness from young.
Impact Study
Research for reducing environmental impact
Pack out Analysis
In the beginning, we choose ——
Waterpik Completecare Sonic 9.0
as our object of impact study
What we learned
Most of the components are made out of PP plastic.
There are 23 different types of materials used in this product set.
Most parts are not designed to take apart easily.
Life Cycle Assessment
Okala BOM Analysis
Sustainable Minds Analysis